Horsham Parking Lot Expansion
Horsham, PA
The owner of this commercial property in Horsham, PA had an empty space that was unable to be rented out due to a lack of parking. The existing lot only had 13 parking spaces which restricted the owner from renting to certain tenants who would need more parking than he could offer, making it difficult to lease the empty space. The decision was made to expand the parking lot realizing that if the vacant space was rented out it would result in additional income for the owner. Souder Brothers came on board to work with site engineers and the township to more than double the parking are to 29 spaces. Souder Brothers worked through storm water management issues with the township and installed an underground storm water management system. The expansion project also included new curbs, site lighting, paving, landscaping, striping, and signage. This project increased the value of the property more than it cost to do the site work resulting in a 100% ROI for the owner.