3 Reasons Why Floor Plans are Essential for a Successful Renovation Project

Thinking about renovating a space can be extremely overwhelming, especially if you are planning to move walls, relocate plumbing, or chang­­e the purpose of a room. You’ve likely saved tons of pictures of what you want your space to look like, but how do you know if everything you want to add will fit or if everything you want to move can be done in the space you have? How do you even know where to start with your renovation project? The answer is simple: floor plans.

Floor plans are 2-dimensional drawings of a space from a bird’s eye view. They are done to scale so you know exactly how much room you have to work with and if everything on your list of wants and needs will fit. Not convinced? Here are 3 reasons why floor plans are essential for a smooth and successful renovation project. 

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3 Ways a 3D Rendering Can Improve Your Construction Project

In the current landscape of the world 3D building and rendering is becoming more and more popular. New technology allows for realistic creations to help in many aspects of business, which is especially true for the construction field. Renderings can help bring projects to life in a way never seen before. Whether you’re planning a commercial construction project or a renovation to your home, a 3D rendering might be the perfect tool to show you your project’s endless possibilities. Here are three ways that the use of digital modeling can improve your next construction project.

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Commercial Construction: Is it Better to Build, Remodel or Expand?

A good business is one that can grow and change. You hire new people, develop new skills, and invest in innovative technology. Sometimes that growth means outgrowing your space. After enough time in business, many companies reach a crossroads: Do they remodel, expand, or build something new?

If you’re considering commercial construction in the greater Philadelphia area, it’s a smart idea to educate yourself on the pros and cons of all three options.

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Three New Year Construction Resolutions

Did you make a any New Year construction resolutions to finally do those upgrades to your office or to your home? A renovation project can often seem daunting, but with the right team in place it doesn’t have to be. January is already more than halfway over so let us help you get your project started in 30 days!

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Office Renovation Trends & Tips

Bringing an outdated office space into the 21st century is one of our specialties here at Souder Brothers. Clients come to us all the time with a desire to renovate, but no idea where to start. The best way to get started is simply by reviewing office renovation trends!

As a one-stop shop design/build firm, we have the expertise and the experience to give you the most efficient space possible for your needs through an office renovation for your facility in Pennsylvania & the greater Philadelphia area. The planning stage of any commercial renovation is essential. Here are our top tips to maximize your renovation project:

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Help! I Can’t Visualize My Construction Project

Have you ever been thinking of a renovation project, but can’t stop saying, “I can’t visualize my construction project!” Worry not! In this technology age we’re living in it’s easy to make changes on paper, or rather on screen, before construction starts. Spending a little money up front for these 3D rendering & drawing services will save you a bundle in the long run if you’re undecided about the layout, scope of your project, or even room finishes.

Improve your design and save money

office-renovation-layoutMaybe you have a vague idea of a layout for your kitchen renovation, but you’re not sure if everything will fit, or if the layout will flow nicely from a user perspective. Being able to see your ideas on a floor plan and in real time 3D can help you decide if you’re happy with the idea or if you want to make changes.

Think of it this way – once a new wall is actually built it’s going to be much more expensive to move after the fact than it would be to change it on the rendering first with just a few mouse clicks.  You may think you have room to add an island in your kitchen, but once it’s drawn out with accurate measurements you realize you don’t have enough space. Finding out these things up front are well worth the cost you’ll invest in the drawing design services.

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